“A world in which every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination.”
SCORA (Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV&AIDS) was first established in 1992 by the IFMSA under the name of SCOAS (Standing Committee on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and later on august of 2014, It was changed into SCORA (Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS). In 2019, the full name of SCORA was changed to Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV&AIDS, to better reflect the work developed by the Committee and distinguish the differences between HIV and AIDS.
SCORA, engaging in the field of reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, maternal health and many other issues such as sexually transmitted disease, gender issues including gender-based violence, sexuality and gender identity, as well as sex education, is led by a NORA (National Officer on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV&AIDS) with the help of other SCORA National Committee.
SCORA often cooperate with many organizations that share the same goals and purposes. These Organizations including the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and the National AIDS commission (Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional). Together with the National AIDS Commission SCORA is helping to fight against HIV&AIDS and together with UNFPA SCORA is helping to fight against HIV&AIDS, gender-based violence, improve sexual & reproductive health and also maternal health.
SCORA has more emphasis in an education-based activities as their valued principle: “The only way of fighting AIDS is through prevention, and the only way of prevention is through education.” With this, we hope we can give the best of our will to help make the world a better place, a world with conscious mind towards the importance of reproductive health as well as a world without HIV&AIDS.
SCORA CIMSA as a forum for self-development and activities of medical students in Indonesia to improve the health of Indonesian society in the field of sexual and reproduction that has a positive impact, measurable, and accountable.
- Creating a student environment that is aware and concerned about matters relating to sexual and reproductive health including HIV&AIDS
- Create opportunities for medical students to be able to work for people in the field of sexual and reproductive health including HIV&AIDS.
- Fulfillment of the activities of medical students in the field of sexual and reproductive health including HIV&AIDS.
- The implementation of sexual and reproductive health programs including HIV&AIDS which is in harmony with the condition of the Indonesian nation.
- Make active efforts on sexual and reproductive health through education channels.
- Improving the structural effectiveness of SCORA CIMSA’s work based on kinship and professionalism.
- Increase the sense of ownership and kinship and professionalism of all SCORA CIMSA members.
- Improve the quality of SCORA CIMSA’s human resources through a standardized regeneration system.
- Increase the accountability of SCORA CIMSA.
- Undertake exploration, audience, and expansion to stakeholders.