have you ever felt lonely during this pandemic?

Based on the result of our assessments that we carried on university students between the age of 18 and 21:
of the students feel isolated during the pandemic because of the lack of human contact.
of the students lose interest to do things.
of the students feel restless and anxious due to loneliness during pandemic.
PRNewswire survey
that was conducted on June 10th 2020 on 1043 random respondents showed that:
reported a struggle with feelings of lonelisness before social distancing a shelter-in-place orders.
reported feeling somewhat or much lonelier during the COVID-19 pandemic.
what is
there are two types of loneliness:
the absence of an attachment figure and social isolation, characterized by the absence of a social network.
the subjective distressed feeling of being alone or separated.
based on the previous data,
we can conclude that in this pandemic, a lot of people experience social loneliness:
1. Depression
easier to feel isolated, bored, isolated, bored, and anxious.
2. Sleep Problems
3. Troubled Education Outcome
4. Personality Disorders
low self-esteem, feeling of guilt or worthlessness, and poor coping strategies with situations.
5. Physical Disorders
diabetes, hypertension (HTN), obesity.
1. Social support
Try calling a friend, family member, health professional or counsellor to talk about your feelings.
2. Doing productive things you enjoy
Join an online group or class that focuses on something you enjoy – that could be anything from an online exercise class, book club etc.
3. Do consider
Going for short walks in public places (while keeping a two meter distance)